The ELLIS & Unbabel Seminars aim to provide, on a weekly basis, an outlet for discussion of research on Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing by researchers and students all over the world.

These seminars are organized by people at the Lisbon ELLIS Unit (LUMLIS) and Unbabel.

The seminars are open to the public.
Date/Time: 5pm Lisbon Time on Mondays. Subscribe the Seminar's calendar HERE.

Please contact Nuno M. Guerreiro or Ricardo Rei for any questions regarding the seminars!

We are back with new talks! Please check the schedule for following seminars!

Seminars in 2023

Upcoming Seminars

Guest Speaker Affiliation Talk Title Date
Vilém Zouhar ETH Zürich Quality and Quantity of Machine Translation References for Automated Metrics 22 Jan
Haoran Xu Johns Hopkins University Pushing the Boundaries of LLM Performance in Machine Translation 29 Jan
Tom Kocmi and Vilém Zouhar Microsoft and ETH Zürich Navigating the Metrics Maze: Reconciling Score Magnitudes and Accuracies 5 Feb
Giorgos Vernikos EPFL Don’t Rank, Combine! Combining Machine Translation Hypotheses Using Quality Estimation 12 Feb

Check our previous speakers in the Past Seminars section!